Pola Hempowicz

Pola Hempowicz

Position: Content Monarchy

Pola Hempowicz is a Senior Media & Entertainment Executive and internationally recognized TV Producer, Content Strategist, and Entrepreneur. In the past 15 years she has run TV networks, launched and managed OTT platforms and produced award winning content.

She has been the leading force behind the financial growth and business development of international media giants. A former Senior Exec. at Comedy Central. The first woman in Poland to be elected member of the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (International Emmy Awards) and Worldwide Audiovisual Women’s Association.  She often uses her position of influence to support and promote the work of Polish/Eastern European producers and storytellers, especially comedy writers.

Most recently Pola has shifted her focus and launched a campaign to advocate for data transparency and accessibility. She is educating creatives on the significance of data and empowering them with the resources available in the market in order to nail their pitch, secure financing and strengthen their negotiating position.